Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Equipment Needed

Equipment Needed

Before we film our opening, we needed to think of what equipment we needed to take with us when filming. Below is a list of what we came up with:

Camera- To film anything we need a camera, therefore that is the first piece of equipment we needed. The camera we are going to be using is a Canon because it has different gadgets on, so we can focus and de- focus on objects as well as zoom in and out on people and objects, for example. 

Camera bag- With our group moving from location to location, we need to be able to transport the camera and lenses safely. Therefore, we need to have a bag that is big enough for the camera. Luckily, we was given a bag that came with the camera, so we can safely transport it around.

Memory cards- Although, we have a camera to take our shots, we need a memory card to save the shots. This will then enable us to upload the shots to a computer and edit them from there.

Laptop- To make sure the shots are of a good enough standard, we will take a laptop to our various locations because we can then view the shots on the setting. This will enable us to then re film that shot if it isn't good enough.

Tripod- When we film our opening, we need to make sure that the quality is good. To achieve this we need to make sure the camera is still at all times, making sure it doesn't shake . Therefore, we need to use a tripod and it will help us achieve this.

Storyboard- To ensure that as a group we don't forget what we are filming, we need to remember to take our initial storyboard, so we have a good idea of what to film, when to do it and where we are doing it.

Shooting schedule- The reason we need our shooting schedule is very similar to the reason why we need our storyboard. The shooting schedule we help us be organised for that day and the next, so we don't have to mess around, wondering what we are filming and who we need to have involved or acting.

Camera charging cable or Batteries- We will need to carry spare batteries or the camera cable around with us in case our camera runs out of battery and we need to replace them or charge the camera up.

GoPro- As a group we decided to include a GoPro and attach it to our main character. This will be supplied from someone in our group. However, we haven't decided whether to use this or just someone holding a camera and running with it.

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