Friday, 27 November 2015

Title Analysis

To create the title for our film, we need to analyse the titles of other existing horror films.

If i was to analyse this tile i would mention how the writing is distorted disfigured. This is not a normal title screen, you don't often see a title that is uneven like this, so it tells me that strange things are going to occur throughout this film. Another thing that stands out about this title of this film is the static signal happening in the background. This tells me that this film is going to have something to do with CCTV or television, maybe the whole film is the recordings for a camera. Static is also strongly associated with spirits and ghost, telling me that the sub genre of this film could be supernatural.

The next horror film title that i am going to analyse is called The Thing. The first thing that stands out to me the most about this tile is the font color and the background color. The color of it tells me that the setting of this film could be set in some kind of arctic location. The style of font also stands out to me, it is very jagged and rough, they almost look like claw marks. This tells me that this film may involve some sort of violent creature.

The final title that i'm going to analyse is REC. This title gives of a similar feeling to Paranormal Activity. This is because both of the titles make me think that recordings or TV have a big part to play in the film. Unlike Paranormal Activity, the name of the title actually tells me that this is how the audience will view the film, the film is called 'REC' which i think is short for 'RECORDING'. This is then backed up by the red dot that is next to the title. These are often seen in the top left of a camera when you press play or record. 

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